by: The Special One
Naruto 456: Setting the Stage
(Danzou turns around to face his enemies. Fu and Torune watch as Danzou unveils the sharingan. The five attackers notice the sharingan as they land.)
"What is this? When did Danzou become capable of the sharingan," said Attacker 2."We weren't breifed of his abilities at all, but to think he'd have ties to the Uchiha clan.
It is five against three, I'll devise a strategy. Remember against a sharingan user, one distracts while the other gets the rear.And don’t show him your jutsu, if he’s anything like Kakashi, he may use our techniques against us" said Lead attacker.
"Sir, we'll go after the other two," said Attacker 3.
"Foolish followers of the slug queen, like even a handful of pests are enough for either one of us," said Danzou.
(The leader attacker attempts to rush at Danzou, meanwhile, the attacker at Danzou's back attempts to strike with his short sword. With fast reflexes Danzou tosses a Kunai at the lead attacker's throat before he could counter. In a swift action, Danzou spins around and quickly draws his short sword, effectively beheading his rear opponent before he could get off a swing at Danzou.)
"Damn, him," yelled Attacker 4. "His reaction time is unreal. He'll pay for that," said Attacker 5. "No time to worry, I'll slip to his right, he's weak on that side," said Attacker 3.
(Attacker 3 ,4, and 5 disregard Fu and Torune and goes after Danzou. One jumps in the air and tries to attack from above, another attempts to strike from the rear, and finally the last attempts to strike from his right side. Close up on Danzou’s sharingan. Through Danzou’s vision, we see multiple after images of the attackers.
Danzou withdraws his blade, slides back slightly to avoid the downward slash of his upward opponent. He then grabs the arm of the descending opponent and swings him to his right, which resulted in the attacker being attacked by attacker 3 on accident. As the enemy is accidently stabbed by two Kunai from his ally, Danzou pulls the blade from his dead hands and tosses it through both the corpse and attacker 3 with all his might. Before the rear attacker can make his move, Danzou does a spinning heel kick, knocks flat to the ground. Danzou slowly walks over to him, and pulls out his blade.)
“To think, someone such as you have become Hokage. You’ll never succeed, as long as,” said Last attacker before he is silenced by Danzou’s blade.
“They were Anbu under Tsunade’s employ. They must have been sent to assassinate me if I were to become Hokage. If I was some old man, maybe her attempt would have succeeded. But, she drastically underestimated by abilities,” said Danzou. (Danzou pants a little and sweats.)
“The sharingan yes. Although an effective means for disarming your opponents, it seems that even after 8 years, it seems your body still hasn’t gotten use to it,” said Fu. (Danzou covers up the sharingan.) “Even Kakashi has had this problem, that’s why we need to find Kabuto, he certainly has data on the Uchiha bloodline that Orochimaru researched,” said Danzou.
“Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you obtain such a power,” asked Torune. “It was a gift from a very powerful man. He offered me his left eye to replace my missing eye as a way to a bargaining chip. I aid in the destruction of the Uchiha and preserve his identity, he offer me power beyond my imagination. Enough with that, let’s move on,” said Danzou.
(Switch Scene to Naruto’s recover room.)
“Naruto, you’ll probably need more time,” said Yamato. “Don’t worry, not if I do this,” said Naruto. (Naruto makes a hand seal and draws upon the Kyuubi’s chakra. The red chakra instantly heals his wounds from the outside.)
“Not bad, it appears as though he has found an effective way to use the Kyuubi’s chakra to his advantage,” said Kakashi. (Naruto gets dressed.)
“Alright, it is time to move out,” said Naruto. (Naruto rushes off, Kakashi does as well.)
“How do I always get involved in all this. Sigh,” mumbled Yamato.
(Switch Scene to Team Samui. They are conversing with Shizune, Shikaku, and some Anbu.)
“I’ve circled some landmarks which are and have been occupied by the Akatuski,” said Shikaku. “Is it credible,” asked Samui. “Yeah, we’ve received their background info from a book, which pinpointed Akatuski’s every move,” said Shikaku. “We don’t know how many you’ll have to check, but we have marked off the one that we currently visited,” said Shizune.
(An Anbu hands Samui a map.)
“We’ll have to have Raikage sort out the search and rescue. Let’s go,” said Samui. (They leave.)
(Switch Scene to Team Kakashi. They are on the outskirts of Konoha.)
“You notice that,” said Yamato. “Must be root,” said Kakashi. (Naruto makes the Shadow clone jutsu handseal.)
Next Chapter: The Summit Commences
by jeanericuser
Danzo is watching the shinobi in mid air as they fall then suddenly they vanish in mid air. Fu is looking around with a puzzled look.
Fu: "Genjutsu?"
Danzo: "Yes but merely a test."
Torune: "Is it one of our people?"
Danzo: "No. This one is different."
A shadow appears on the ground in front of them. Out of the shadow rises a figure that looks at them. Its the dark half of zetsu. Fu and Torune seem surprised at encountering an akatsuki member but Danzou looks at him while covering up his eye.
Zetsu: "My master requests your presence. He has a proposal to offer to you."
Naruto is riding on the back of kakashi as him and yamoto head through the forest.
Kakashi: "So that is your plan for dealing with akatsuki?"
Naruto: "Yes. It seems the only way but in order to accomplish it we need sasuke first. He is the only one that can make this possible. If the pervy sage were still alive than we could use his intelligence to make this happen but with that not possible we need sasuke instead."
Yamoto: "I don't know if Raikage will accept that kind of deal though. Sasuke has after all killed at least one of their own and they still will want vengeance."
Naruto: "If vengeance is allowed to cloud their decisions this conflict will never end but if this goes right the conflict could come to an end very soon."
Kakashi: "But are you sure he will be there?"
Naruto: .......
Yamoto: "We are being followed."
Kakashi: "How many?"
Yamoto: "8 of them at least."
Kakashi: "We can't waste too much time. We have to hurry."
Yamoto: "Then I will try to keep them busy as long as possible. Get naruto to there as fast as you can."
Yamoto lands on the ground and naruto watches as several shinobi land near yamoto.
Kakashi: "Don't worry naruto. The last thing root will do is try to kill yamoto. They need him alive to help rebuild konoha. Focus on saving your energy for later."
Naruto closes his eyes and kakashi jumps ahead faster.
Danzo is standing in a forest when suddenly tobi appears.
Danzo: "Its been a long time since we last talked. What is it you want now?"
Tobi: "You have grown much danzo since we last met. I can still remember you as the young genin seeking wisdom."
Danzo smirks in anger but then smiles.
Danzo: "If this is about the meeting of the kages than Im afraid there is nothing I can do. Too much has gone on for the meeting to be suddenly cancelled."
Tobi: "I do not wish it to be cancelled. On the contrary I wish it to take place. No I have come to warn you to not attend the meeting."
Danzo suddenly looks at Tobi then suddenly his eyes widen in shock.
Danzo: "An assassination attempt?! Are you insane?!"
Tobi: "If the kages are eliminated than akatsuki will be free to do as they wish while all the villages sort out whom their new leaders will be. Time for you to secure your own position in the hidden leaf village and deal with naruto."
Danzo: "And whom is the assassin I have to thank for this attack?"
Sasuke is shown heading through the forest. Lighter Zetsu is just ahead and sasuke notices the tree parting to reveal a long field with a village in the distance.
by: Forlong
Danzo uses Genjutsu to own those random ninja.
Fu: "They're from the Mist Village."
Danzo: "No doubt sent to assasinate me."
Torune: "They may simply be missing nin."
Danzo: "The Mist Village is to lenient to it's missing nin. I must bring this up at the Kage Summit. The Mizukage is to much like Tsunade."
-cut to Sai-
Sai: "He left?"
ANBU: "Yes. He is off to the Kage Summit."
Sai: "But I just found out something about the Akatsuki that the Hokage should be told. Tell me where the meeting is."
ANBU: "Each Kage is only to bring two bodyguards. You cannot go."
Sai: "I will get to him before he reaches the meeting then return to the Village."
ANBU: "Tell me the information; and, if it's worth telling the Hokage, I'll decide if he needs to know immediately."
Sai: "Pain was not the leader of the Akatsuki. It's Madara! He was manipulating Pain the whole time. He summoned the Kyuubi sixteen years ago. The Forth tried everything to stop him, but in the end had to seal the Kyuubi in Naruto"
ANBU: "Very well, I shall tell the Hokage when he returns."
Sai: "But this is vital! He must tell the other Kages. Ordering Sasuke's death might not be nessicary. Madara may be brainwashing Sasuke or threatening him! He may have had no choice but to capture Killer Bee."
ANBU: "Don't be rediculess."
Sai: "I admit that it's unlikely, but we have to concider the possiblity."
ANBU: "You will tell the Hokage when he returns! No sooner."
Sai: "I...understand..."
Sai turns to leave.
ANBU: "Who told you this?"
-Sai has a flashback-
Sai is passing a group of villagers.
Villager #1: "Did you hear? Tsunade has been replaced as Hokage by Danzo."
Villager #2: "Why? Tsunade protected the village. If anyone should be Hokage in her place, it's Naruto."
Villager #1: "Yeah, he's the one who stopped Pain. And he saved the village years ago when Orochimaru attacked. He even saved the Kazekage."
Villager #3 (female): "And he's so attractive."
Villager #1: "Will you cut that out. For the past few months, all you can talk about is Naruto's looks."
Villager #2: "Yeah, if you like him so much, just ask him out and stop bugging us."
Villager #3: "I couldn't do that. I'd be so nervious."
-flashback ends-
Sai: "Naruto...Uzumake Naruto."
ANBU: "I see."
Sai: "A warning. I'm certain Naruto will chalange for the possition of Hokage."
ANBU: "You think so."
Sai: "I don't think, I know. Naruto has the support of the village. If he chalanges the Hokage, the village will be right behind him."
ANBU: "We will have it under control."
Sai flashes-back to various people talking about Naruto.
Sai (thinking): won't!
-cut to the exterior of the village-
Several Hyuuga clan members, including Hinata's father and sister, return to the village.
Hinata's dad: "What has happened to the village?"
Tazuna sees them and waves.
Tazuna: "Hello."
Hinata's dad: "What happened here!? Who did this?"
Tazuna: "I don't know. Just got here myself. Someone attacked the village, and Naruto stopped him. I also heard that they've appointed a new Hokage. Some guy named Danzo."
Hinata's dad: "Danzo!?"
Tazuna: "Yeah, confused me too. If you ask me, Naruto would be the best choice for the job. We've gotten a lot of news about him in the Land of Waves. They say that he saved the whole village from a monster three years ago. I would have liked to have seen that."
Hinata's dad: "Tell me where Naruto is."
Tazuna: "!?"
Hinata's dad: "I must speak with him...imediately!"
End caption: What does the Hyuuga clan have to do with Naruto?
by: Vengeance
Prediction 456
Fu & Torune jump to the side to give Danzou some space. Danzou quickly turns around & uses a Fuuton wind gust to blow back all the fodder shinobi. The Shinobi are given no time to recover as Danzou disposes of all but one using high speed taijutsu & his robot arm as a weapon. Danzou grabs the last shinobi by the neck using his robot arm & presses him against a tree.
Danzou: Who sent you!
The Shinobi doesn’t answer so Danzou uses his sharingan to look into his mind. The shinobi faints as Danzou snaps his neck & tosses him aside.
Danzou: Hmmm… Konan of the Rain will have to be dealt with sooner then expected. Fu Tornune, dispose of the bodies & let’s get moving.
Fu/Tornune: Yes Lord Danzou.
Naruto: Kakashi I’m fine we should leave as soon as possible.
Kakashi: The Kage summit is tomorrow. Take the time to get some rest the location is only about an hour away from here. We'll head out in the morning.
Yamato: Besides Sai still hasn’t come back from speaking with the Hokage.
Naruto: That’s been bothering me…. How long does it take to deliver a message anyway?
Ino comes rushing into Naruto’s room & is shocked by his appearance.
Ino: Naruto its Sai something bad has happened. You guys need to come outside right now!!!
Sakura can be seen outside trying to heal Sai as he’s apparently badly wounded. Shino, Kiba, Hinata, & Chouji are standing between them & 8 man squad of Anbu Root.
Kakashi: What the hell is going on here!
Anbu Captain: That boy is coming with us Kakashi. I’d advise that you call off these children before they get hurt.
Ino: Me & Chouji were going to see Shikamaru in the hospital when we saw Hinata, Shino, & Kiba fighting with these Anbu. Sakura heard the commotion & ran outside to help.
Kakashi: This is Danzou’s doing….
Kakashi & Yamato vanish & reappear between the young Shinobi & the Anbu Root. Naruto runs over to Sai to see if he’s ok.
Sakura: Naruto what happened to your face!! Did these guys attack you as well?
Naruto: No Sakura but don’t worry about it how is Sai?
Sakura: Not good… his internal organs have been struck. I should be able to stop the bleeding but without a transfusion I’m not sure how long he’ll hold out.
Naruto: Thank you guys for protecting Sai but I need to ask another favor from you.
Shino: No problem Naruto Sai is a fellow comrade we wouldn’t just abandon him while he’s being attacked. Not even if they are Danzou’s Anbu. What do you need from us?
Naruto: I need you guys stay out of this. Go find Shizune & inform her of the situation. As a precaution keep watch over Tsunade.
Hinata: But what about…
Kakashi: We’ll be fine Hinata Naruto is right Tsunade may be in danger if Danzou gave an order to kill Sai.
Anbu Captain: Enough of this you’re all under arrest for revolting against the Hokage.
The young Shinobi leave & head over to Tsunade & Shizune when the Anbu try to block there path. Kakashi takes out 4 while Yamato takes out 3. Naruto blitzes the commander but he's still injured from his beat down. Naruto manages to get in a few good shots forcing the Anbu Captain to his knees.
Anbu Captain: Danzou said this could happen…. Lucky for us he’s always 5 steps ahead of everyone… Summoning jutsu Eye of the Forsaken!!!
A squad of 30 shinobi instantly appear in front of the Anbu Captain.
Kakashi: Danzou really is a monster… To think he’d go to such lengths to ensure his supremacy over Konoha….
Yamato: What do you mean?
Kakashi: You can’t tell because of the mask… But every one of these shinobi has a sharingan!!!
Anbu Captain: Kill Kakashi, Yamato, & detain Naruto! They're all traitors to our lord & master Danzou.
Sharingan Anbu: As you command... We live & die in the service of Lord Danzou...
A squad of Root with Sharingan!! What does this mean?
Next Week: Konoha Unites & Sai's Sacrifice!
by: Poonglaya
page1: the random shinobis attack danzou at melee range, danzou sees every move and evades cleanly.
page2: Danzou uses genjutsu on one shinobi at melee range while still being able to evade the other attacking ninjas using his non-sharingan eye.
page3: Danzou uses Katon techs and burns three of his attackers. the remaining was stunned. Danzou finishes with a physical attack using a sudden burst of speed.
page4: the 2 root bodyguards clap their hands at Danzo's awesome performance.they can't believe that danzou, all patched up and is an old bag at that, was able to move like a 16 year old with raging hormones.
page5: Danzou declares victory, gets his cane from the ground, returns the bandage covering his eyes, then continues his travel to the kage summit.
page6: the summit location was an open coliseum, Gaara was first to arrive at the kage summit location, and a little afterwards, tsuchikage arrives surprised that a youngling came before him.
page7: Raikage was not far behind in arrival, seeing the 2 are still far apart at opposite ends, he decided to wait on his far end. he is growing impatient by the second
page8: Naruto was shown all healed up and getting ready to leave konoha, a little conference with the rookies occur. each one bidding naruto good luck
page9: Sakura insists that they take her, Naruto disagrees,almost told her that she is useless, but instead said she has more use being with tsunade's side than being there at the kage meet. sakura is shunned. she so wants to be the one to defend Sasuke in front of the Kages.
page9: Mizukage arrives at the Kage summit, Raikage saw her and immediately his hormones begin to boil, no need for waiting he says, and approaches Mizukage to hit on her. Mizukage is annoyed. and so is sharkboy.
page10: Danzou arrives on scene to cut off all attempts of further flirtations, business commences, they approach each other at the center of the coliseum. formalities are then started.
page11: Kakashi and Yamato are ready and is waiting for Naruto, as Naruto heads away from his rookie friends, he was stopped by someone pulling on his sleeves.
page12: the long awaited,long overdue Naru-Hina moment is on page 12. we see Hinata saying her well wishes to Naruto, and Naruto blushing in return.
page13: it's a double Naruhina page!!! Naruto gives hinata a paper-shuriken. saying something about the feelings being mutual. woohoo! yey!
page14: Naruto, with his escorts Kakashi and Yamato, then leaves the gates of Konoha, Root Anbu awaits them from a distance outside. an ambush awaits the Konoha all star trio.
page 15: Business at the Kage meet, the formalities done, they proceeded to discuss Akatsuki, and the security for each land.
page 16: Raikage declaims. He narrates the loss of his brother to a Konoha missing nin. an Uchiha by the name sasuke, and demands all cooperation from the 5 kages especially the Hokage to eliminate the brat. Danzou agrees and promises military support and his personal aid to the elimination of Sasuke.
page17: "You want my head? i want yours too, Danzou" said Sasuke while hiding behind a rock. "nobody interferes or i will not come out of hiding!this is just between me and Danzou, you all got it ok?" yelled sasuke to the Kage Summit. Everybody including the Kages all raise arms.. "uh oh" whispered sasuke to himself.
next on chapter 457: why is sasuke hiding behind a rock? will Naruto arrive on time to stop the Kages from shredding Sasuke to pieces? can the paper shuriken be used as a deadly weapon? where the hell is kabuchimaru? why the fuch does Danzou has the sharingan? Is mizukage's right eye also a sharingan?
How can Danzou possibly have a SHARINGAN??? He is definitely NOT an Uchiha, right? Or did I miss something out? What is the connection of Danzou with Orochimaru? Did Orochimaru have something to do with his acquired Sharingan?
* * Danzou = got right eye
* * Madara/Tobi = got right eye
* * Obito = left eye given to Kakashi (but is his right eye still intact?)
* * Kakashi = got left eye (from Obito)
* * Danzou = left arm is unknown
* * Obito = left arm is crushed!
* * Danzou got basic sharingan
* * Madara got MS

Another possibility:
1. Danzou is among the Elders who ordered Uchiha Clan Massacre - right?
2. Could it be after they are ALL dead - since he is aware of the powers of the sharingan - instructed that one sharingan be TRANSPLANTED to him??
3. Could it be that OROCHIMARU could have transplanted the sharingan?
4. Knowing Orochimaru and his forbidden techniques, Danzou must have bargained with Orochimaru - thus causing him his arm.
This is just my wild guess - but who knows!! Share us your reactions and post your ideas by Naruto Addict, you can check it if you want discuss more further about naruto manga spoilers next chapter
Naruto 456: Setting the Stage
(Danzou turns around to face his enemies. Fu and Torune watch as Danzou unveils the sharingan. The five attackers notice the sharingan as they land.)
"What is this? When did Danzou become capable of the sharingan," said Attacker 2."We weren't breifed of his abilities at all, but to think he'd have ties to the Uchiha clan.
It is five against three, I'll devise a strategy. Remember against a sharingan user, one distracts while the other gets the rear.And don’t show him your jutsu, if he’s anything like Kakashi, he may use our techniques against us" said Lead attacker.
"Sir, we'll go after the other two," said Attacker 3.
"Foolish followers of the slug queen, like even a handful of pests are enough for either one of us," said Danzou.
(The leader attacker attempts to rush at Danzou, meanwhile, the attacker at Danzou's back attempts to strike with his short sword. With fast reflexes Danzou tosses a Kunai at the lead attacker's throat before he could counter. In a swift action, Danzou spins around and quickly draws his short sword, effectively beheading his rear opponent before he could get off a swing at Danzou.)
"Damn, him," yelled Attacker 4. "His reaction time is unreal. He'll pay for that," said Attacker 5. "No time to worry, I'll slip to his right, he's weak on that side," said Attacker 3.
(Attacker 3 ,4, and 5 disregard Fu and Torune and goes after Danzou. One jumps in the air and tries to attack from above, another attempts to strike from the rear, and finally the last attempts to strike from his right side. Close up on Danzou’s sharingan. Through Danzou’s vision, we see multiple after images of the attackers.
Danzou withdraws his blade, slides back slightly to avoid the downward slash of his upward opponent. He then grabs the arm of the descending opponent and swings him to his right, which resulted in the attacker being attacked by attacker 3 on accident. As the enemy is accidently stabbed by two Kunai from his ally, Danzou pulls the blade from his dead hands and tosses it through both the corpse and attacker 3 with all his might. Before the rear attacker can make his move, Danzou does a spinning heel kick, knocks flat to the ground. Danzou slowly walks over to him, and pulls out his blade.)
“To think, someone such as you have become Hokage. You’ll never succeed, as long as,” said Last attacker before he is silenced by Danzou’s blade.
“They were Anbu under Tsunade’s employ. They must have been sent to assassinate me if I were to become Hokage. If I was some old man, maybe her attempt would have succeeded. But, she drastically underestimated by abilities,” said Danzou. (Danzou pants a little and sweats.)
“The sharingan yes. Although an effective means for disarming your opponents, it seems that even after 8 years, it seems your body still hasn’t gotten use to it,” said Fu. (Danzou covers up the sharingan.) “Even Kakashi has had this problem, that’s why we need to find Kabuto, he certainly has data on the Uchiha bloodline that Orochimaru researched,” said Danzou.
“Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you obtain such a power,” asked Torune. “It was a gift from a very powerful man. He offered me his left eye to replace my missing eye as a way to a bargaining chip. I aid in the destruction of the Uchiha and preserve his identity, he offer me power beyond my imagination. Enough with that, let’s move on,” said Danzou.
(Switch Scene to Naruto’s recover room.)
“Naruto, you’ll probably need more time,” said Yamato. “Don’t worry, not if I do this,” said Naruto. (Naruto makes a hand seal and draws upon the Kyuubi’s chakra. The red chakra instantly heals his wounds from the outside.)
“Not bad, it appears as though he has found an effective way to use the Kyuubi’s chakra to his advantage,” said Kakashi. (Naruto gets dressed.)
“Alright, it is time to move out,” said Naruto. (Naruto rushes off, Kakashi does as well.)
“How do I always get involved in all this. Sigh,” mumbled Yamato.
(Switch Scene to Team Samui. They are conversing with Shizune, Shikaku, and some Anbu.)
“I’ve circled some landmarks which are and have been occupied by the Akatuski,” said Shikaku. “Is it credible,” asked Samui. “Yeah, we’ve received their background info from a book, which pinpointed Akatuski’s every move,” said Shikaku. “We don’t know how many you’ll have to check, but we have marked off the one that we currently visited,” said Shizune.
(An Anbu hands Samui a map.)
“We’ll have to have Raikage sort out the search and rescue. Let’s go,” said Samui. (They leave.)
(Switch Scene to Team Kakashi. They are on the outskirts of Konoha.)
“You notice that,” said Yamato. “Must be root,” said Kakashi. (Naruto makes the Shadow clone jutsu handseal.)
Next Chapter: The Summit Commences
by jeanericuser
Danzo is watching the shinobi in mid air as they fall then suddenly they vanish in mid air. Fu is looking around with a puzzled look.
Fu: "Genjutsu?"
Danzo: "Yes but merely a test."
Torune: "Is it one of our people?"
Danzo: "No. This one is different."
A shadow appears on the ground in front of them. Out of the shadow rises a figure that looks at them. Its the dark half of zetsu. Fu and Torune seem surprised at encountering an akatsuki member but Danzou looks at him while covering up his eye.
Zetsu: "My master requests your presence. He has a proposal to offer to you."
Naruto is riding on the back of kakashi as him and yamoto head through the forest.
Kakashi: "So that is your plan for dealing with akatsuki?"
Naruto: "Yes. It seems the only way but in order to accomplish it we need sasuke first. He is the only one that can make this possible. If the pervy sage were still alive than we could use his intelligence to make this happen but with that not possible we need sasuke instead."
Yamoto: "I don't know if Raikage will accept that kind of deal though. Sasuke has after all killed at least one of their own and they still will want vengeance."
Naruto: "If vengeance is allowed to cloud their decisions this conflict will never end but if this goes right the conflict could come to an end very soon."
Kakashi: "But are you sure he will be there?"
Naruto: .......
Yamoto: "We are being followed."
Kakashi: "How many?"
Yamoto: "8 of them at least."
Kakashi: "We can't waste too much time. We have to hurry."
Yamoto: "Then I will try to keep them busy as long as possible. Get naruto to there as fast as you can."
Yamoto lands on the ground and naruto watches as several shinobi land near yamoto.
Kakashi: "Don't worry naruto. The last thing root will do is try to kill yamoto. They need him alive to help rebuild konoha. Focus on saving your energy for later."
Naruto closes his eyes and kakashi jumps ahead faster.
Danzo is standing in a forest when suddenly tobi appears.
Danzo: "Its been a long time since we last talked. What is it you want now?"
Tobi: "You have grown much danzo since we last met. I can still remember you as the young genin seeking wisdom."
Danzo smirks in anger but then smiles.
Danzo: "If this is about the meeting of the kages than Im afraid there is nothing I can do. Too much has gone on for the meeting to be suddenly cancelled."
Tobi: "I do not wish it to be cancelled. On the contrary I wish it to take place. No I have come to warn you to not attend the meeting."
Danzo suddenly looks at Tobi then suddenly his eyes widen in shock.
Danzo: "An assassination attempt?! Are you insane?!"
Tobi: "If the kages are eliminated than akatsuki will be free to do as they wish while all the villages sort out whom their new leaders will be. Time for you to secure your own position in the hidden leaf village and deal with naruto."
Danzo: "And whom is the assassin I have to thank for this attack?"
Sasuke is shown heading through the forest. Lighter Zetsu is just ahead and sasuke notices the tree parting to reveal a long field with a village in the distance.
by: Forlong
Danzo uses Genjutsu to own those random ninja.
Fu: "They're from the Mist Village."
Danzo: "No doubt sent to assasinate me."
Torune: "They may simply be missing nin."
Danzo: "The Mist Village is to lenient to it's missing nin. I must bring this up at the Kage Summit. The Mizukage is to much like Tsunade."
-cut to Sai-
Sai: "He left?"
ANBU: "Yes. He is off to the Kage Summit."
Sai: "But I just found out something about the Akatsuki that the Hokage should be told. Tell me where the meeting is."
ANBU: "Each Kage is only to bring two bodyguards. You cannot go."
Sai: "I will get to him before he reaches the meeting then return to the Village."
ANBU: "Tell me the information; and, if it's worth telling the Hokage, I'll decide if he needs to know immediately."
Sai: "Pain was not the leader of the Akatsuki. It's Madara! He was manipulating Pain the whole time. He summoned the Kyuubi sixteen years ago. The Forth tried everything to stop him, but in the end had to seal the Kyuubi in Naruto"
ANBU: "Very well, I shall tell the Hokage when he returns."
Sai: "But this is vital! He must tell the other Kages. Ordering Sasuke's death might not be nessicary. Madara may be brainwashing Sasuke or threatening him! He may have had no choice but to capture Killer Bee."
ANBU: "Don't be rediculess."
Sai: "I admit that it's unlikely, but we have to concider the possiblity."
ANBU: "You will tell the Hokage when he returns! No sooner."
Sai: "I...understand..."
Sai turns to leave.
ANBU: "Who told you this?"
-Sai has a flashback-
Sai is passing a group of villagers.
Villager #1: "Did you hear? Tsunade has been replaced as Hokage by Danzo."
Villager #2: "Why? Tsunade protected the village. If anyone should be Hokage in her place, it's Naruto."
Villager #1: "Yeah, he's the one who stopped Pain. And he saved the village years ago when Orochimaru attacked. He even saved the Kazekage."
Villager #3 (female): "And he's so attractive."
Villager #1: "Will you cut that out. For the past few months, all you can talk about is Naruto's looks."
Villager #2: "Yeah, if you like him so much, just ask him out and stop bugging us."
Villager #3: "I couldn't do that. I'd be so nervious."
-flashback ends-
Sai: "Naruto...Uzumake Naruto."
ANBU: "I see."
Sai: "A warning. I'm certain Naruto will chalange for the possition of Hokage."
ANBU: "You think so."
Sai: "I don't think, I know. Naruto has the support of the village. If he chalanges the Hokage, the village will be right behind him."
ANBU: "We will have it under control."
Sai flashes-back to various people talking about Naruto.
Sai (thinking): won't!
-cut to the exterior of the village-
Several Hyuuga clan members, including Hinata's father and sister, return to the village.
Hinata's dad: "What has happened to the village?"
Tazuna sees them and waves.
Tazuna: "Hello."
Hinata's dad: "What happened here!? Who did this?"
Tazuna: "I don't know. Just got here myself. Someone attacked the village, and Naruto stopped him. I also heard that they've appointed a new Hokage. Some guy named Danzo."
Hinata's dad: "Danzo!?"
Tazuna: "Yeah, confused me too. If you ask me, Naruto would be the best choice for the job. We've gotten a lot of news about him in the Land of Waves. They say that he saved the whole village from a monster three years ago. I would have liked to have seen that."
Hinata's dad: "Tell me where Naruto is."
Tazuna: "!?"
Hinata's dad: "I must speak with him...imediately!"
End caption: What does the Hyuuga clan have to do with Naruto?
by: Vengeance
Prediction 456
Fu & Torune jump to the side to give Danzou some space. Danzou quickly turns around & uses a Fuuton wind gust to blow back all the fodder shinobi. The Shinobi are given no time to recover as Danzou disposes of all but one using high speed taijutsu & his robot arm as a weapon. Danzou grabs the last shinobi by the neck using his robot arm & presses him against a tree.
Danzou: Who sent you!
The Shinobi doesn’t answer so Danzou uses his sharingan to look into his mind. The shinobi faints as Danzou snaps his neck & tosses him aside.
Danzou: Hmmm… Konan of the Rain will have to be dealt with sooner then expected. Fu Tornune, dispose of the bodies & let’s get moving.
Fu/Tornune: Yes Lord Danzou.
Naruto: Kakashi I’m fine we should leave as soon as possible.
Kakashi: The Kage summit is tomorrow. Take the time to get some rest the location is only about an hour away from here. We'll head out in the morning.
Yamato: Besides Sai still hasn’t come back from speaking with the Hokage.
Naruto: That’s been bothering me…. How long does it take to deliver a message anyway?
Ino comes rushing into Naruto’s room & is shocked by his appearance.
Ino: Naruto its Sai something bad has happened. You guys need to come outside right now!!!
Sakura can be seen outside trying to heal Sai as he’s apparently badly wounded. Shino, Kiba, Hinata, & Chouji are standing between them & 8 man squad of Anbu Root.
Kakashi: What the hell is going on here!
Anbu Captain: That boy is coming with us Kakashi. I’d advise that you call off these children before they get hurt.
Ino: Me & Chouji were going to see Shikamaru in the hospital when we saw Hinata, Shino, & Kiba fighting with these Anbu. Sakura heard the commotion & ran outside to help.
Kakashi: This is Danzou’s doing….
Kakashi & Yamato vanish & reappear between the young Shinobi & the Anbu Root. Naruto runs over to Sai to see if he’s ok.
Sakura: Naruto what happened to your face!! Did these guys attack you as well?
Naruto: No Sakura but don’t worry about it how is Sai?
Sakura: Not good… his internal organs have been struck. I should be able to stop the bleeding but without a transfusion I’m not sure how long he’ll hold out.
Naruto: Thank you guys for protecting Sai but I need to ask another favor from you.
Shino: No problem Naruto Sai is a fellow comrade we wouldn’t just abandon him while he’s being attacked. Not even if they are Danzou’s Anbu. What do you need from us?
Naruto: I need you guys stay out of this. Go find Shizune & inform her of the situation. As a precaution keep watch over Tsunade.
Hinata: But what about…
Kakashi: We’ll be fine Hinata Naruto is right Tsunade may be in danger if Danzou gave an order to kill Sai.
Anbu Captain: Enough of this you’re all under arrest for revolting against the Hokage.
The young Shinobi leave & head over to Tsunade & Shizune when the Anbu try to block there path. Kakashi takes out 4 while Yamato takes out 3. Naruto blitzes the commander but he's still injured from his beat down. Naruto manages to get in a few good shots forcing the Anbu Captain to his knees.
Anbu Captain: Danzou said this could happen…. Lucky for us he’s always 5 steps ahead of everyone… Summoning jutsu Eye of the Forsaken!!!
A squad of 30 shinobi instantly appear in front of the Anbu Captain.
Kakashi: Danzou really is a monster… To think he’d go to such lengths to ensure his supremacy over Konoha….
Yamato: What do you mean?
Kakashi: You can’t tell because of the mask… But every one of these shinobi has a sharingan!!!
Anbu Captain: Kill Kakashi, Yamato, & detain Naruto! They're all traitors to our lord & master Danzou.
Sharingan Anbu: As you command... We live & die in the service of Lord Danzou...
A squad of Root with Sharingan!! What does this mean?
Next Week: Konoha Unites & Sai's Sacrifice!
by: Poonglaya
page1: the random shinobis attack danzou at melee range, danzou sees every move and evades cleanly.
page2: Danzou uses genjutsu on one shinobi at melee range while still being able to evade the other attacking ninjas using his non-sharingan eye.
page3: Danzou uses Katon techs and burns three of his attackers. the remaining was stunned. Danzou finishes with a physical attack using a sudden burst of speed.
page4: the 2 root bodyguards clap their hands at Danzo's awesome performance.they can't believe that danzou, all patched up and is an old bag at that, was able to move like a 16 year old with raging hormones.
page5: Danzou declares victory, gets his cane from the ground, returns the bandage covering his eyes, then continues his travel to the kage summit.
page6: the summit location was an open coliseum, Gaara was first to arrive at the kage summit location, and a little afterwards, tsuchikage arrives surprised that a youngling came before him.
page7: Raikage was not far behind in arrival, seeing the 2 are still far apart at opposite ends, he decided to wait on his far end. he is growing impatient by the second
page8: Naruto was shown all healed up and getting ready to leave konoha, a little conference with the rookies occur. each one bidding naruto good luck
page9: Sakura insists that they take her, Naruto disagrees,almost told her that she is useless, but instead said she has more use being with tsunade's side than being there at the kage meet. sakura is shunned. she so wants to be the one to defend Sasuke in front of the Kages.
page9: Mizukage arrives at the Kage summit, Raikage saw her and immediately his hormones begin to boil, no need for waiting he says, and approaches Mizukage to hit on her. Mizukage is annoyed. and so is sharkboy.
page10: Danzou arrives on scene to cut off all attempts of further flirtations, business commences, they approach each other at the center of the coliseum. formalities are then started.
page11: Kakashi and Yamato are ready and is waiting for Naruto, as Naruto heads away from his rookie friends, he was stopped by someone pulling on his sleeves.
page12: the long awaited,long overdue Naru-Hina moment is on page 12. we see Hinata saying her well wishes to Naruto, and Naruto blushing in return.
page13: it's a double Naruhina page!!! Naruto gives hinata a paper-shuriken. saying something about the feelings being mutual. woohoo! yey!
page14: Naruto, with his escorts Kakashi and Yamato, then leaves the gates of Konoha, Root Anbu awaits them from a distance outside. an ambush awaits the Konoha all star trio.
page 15: Business at the Kage meet, the formalities done, they proceeded to discuss Akatsuki, and the security for each land.
page 16: Raikage declaims. He narrates the loss of his brother to a Konoha missing nin. an Uchiha by the name sasuke, and demands all cooperation from the 5 kages especially the Hokage to eliminate the brat. Danzou agrees and promises military support and his personal aid to the elimination of Sasuke.
page17: "You want my head? i want yours too, Danzou" said Sasuke while hiding behind a rock. "nobody interferes or i will not come out of hiding!this is just between me and Danzou, you all got it ok?" yelled sasuke to the Kage Summit. Everybody including the Kages all raise arms.. "uh oh" whispered sasuke to himself.
next on chapter 457: why is sasuke hiding behind a rock? will Naruto arrive on time to stop the Kages from shredding Sasuke to pieces? can the paper shuriken be used as a deadly weapon? where the hell is kabuchimaru? why the fuch does Danzou has the sharingan? Is mizukage's right eye also a sharingan?
How can Danzou possibly have a SHARINGAN??? He is definitely NOT an Uchiha, right? Or did I miss something out? What is the connection of Danzou with Orochimaru? Did Orochimaru have something to do with his acquired Sharingan?
* * Danzou = got right eye
* * Madara/Tobi = got right eye
* * Obito = left eye given to Kakashi (but is his right eye still intact?)
* * Kakashi = got left eye (from Obito)
* * Danzou = left arm is unknown
* * Obito = left arm is crushed!
* * Danzou got basic sharingan
* * Madara got MS

Another possibility:
1. Danzou is among the Elders who ordered Uchiha Clan Massacre - right?
2. Could it be after they are ALL dead - since he is aware of the powers of the sharingan - instructed that one sharingan be TRANSPLANTED to him??
3. Could it be that OROCHIMARU could have transplanted the sharingan?
4. Knowing Orochimaru and his forbidden techniques, Danzou must have bargained with Orochimaru - thus causing him his arm.
This is just my wild guess - but who knows!! Share us your reactions and post your ideas by Naruto Addict, you can check it if you want discuss more further about naruto manga spoilers next chapter
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